Ultimate Jit Jitsu


About Ultimate Jiu Jitsu

Ultimate Jiu-Jitsu was founded by head BJJ instructor Robert Naumoski, a 3rd degree Brazilian Jiu Jiu black belt, with the goal of teaching martial arts skills that would benefit the community. The culture of the dojo goes hand-in-hand with healthy living. Competitions are viewed as a pathway to enhance and refine skills and build team spirit. 

We give top quality personal development training in BJJ, and self-defense. Our vast experience and facilities are ideal and beneficial to individuals of all ages and abilities, and we give programs specifically designed to cater to your capabilities. We have a strong footprint in national martial arts and have already black belted several students in our 19 years of operation.


Robert founded our academy to teach quality BJJ to everyone interested in self-defense. Ultimate Jiu-Jitsu focuses on technique and helping each other to learn new skills. We have enjoyed years of growth in the field of martial arts. Our academy has a long-proven record with a host of accolades.



Notably, we trained Australia’s first Abu Dhabi World Pro Jiu-Jitsu and No-Gi Champions, and our students have amassed a multitude of accolades in State and National Championships. We offer the best training platform for you, using your performances to adjust your classes to sync with your body type and skills perfectly.

At UJJ, you meet proficient martial artists to teach in a serene yet challenging environment for the best experience. We esteem the values of tradition, growth, strength, and family that create a welcoming and wholesome environment for our students and support groups. We formed UJJ with these core values to represent who we are and what we do.

At UJJ, you meet proficient martial artists to teach in a serene yet challenging environment for the best experience. We esteem the values of tradition, growth, strength, and family that create a welcoming and wholesome environment for our students and support groups. We formed UJJ with these core values to represent who we are and what we do. We wanted to illustrate these values in a symbol to always carry them with us on our Gi’s.


The back-to-back J’s represent teacher and student, students training together, brothers and sisters in arms.

Represented by the red “U” belt. Beyond the black belt is the red belt, the pinnacle of knowledge and rank, something to constantly strive for.


The sharp points of the “J” represent how student skills and characters are forged through many years of training on the mats, and overcoming personal adversity.

Represented by the shield or circle, training together over the years develops the bonds that only martial arts can pass on through the generations.

We are ULTIMATE JIU-JITSU, “Forging the mind and body.”
